Monday 4 July 2016

Going to try

Going to try and see how many days I can make it doing some form of exercise every day.

So far the streak has been 2 days.

I am feeling quite good about this.

Been working the last week away from home so getting the exercise has been difficult.  But I can make a walk for 30 minutes anywhere if I only try.

I hate exercise.  But I need to do this.

I am even trying not to have too much food.  I am not giving up everything but I am cutting down and being aware of what I am eating.

Night night


  1. Hi there, I just found your blog. I'm starting this journey all over again and trying to rev up my exercise too. I just got a fitbit and I'm currently just trying to get in my 10000 steps a day. It's not always easy (sadly). Good luck!

  2. Still working on the streak?
