Sunday 7 May 2017

Joy Joy

Got up late this morning it was great to sleep in for a change.  Usually we are taking the kids somewhere.

Took Charlie for a walk and got ready to go for groceries.

Chatted to my trainer about things and I start tomorrow with first training and she sent me food choices for the next week.

I am scared about what the first training is going to be like.  I am such a chicken.

Don't know what to say in here today but thought I would make sure I write every day so I can get it off my chest.

Saturday 6 May 2017

Book Club today & talk to Ex Personal trainer

Book club meet up today

I have two work mates, hubby and another lady in our book club and for about 3 years now we meet up every month to read a book.  One person chooses it for the month and it rotates so we all get a turn.  We all have such different tastes in our books that we like.  I like murder, mysteries, twisty books and some funny.  Others like Science Fiction, Horror, Factual, Love galore lol or Fantasy such a difference.

Last book we read was A Man Called OVE by Fredrik Backman.  It was interesting and a little like "The 100 year old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared".  I didn't like that as much as OVE.

"At first sight, ,Ove is almost certainly the grumpiest man you will ever meet. He thinks himself surrounded by idiots - neighbours who can't reverse a trailer properly, joggers, shop assistants who talk in code, and the perpetrators of the vicious coup d'etat that ousted him as Chairman of the Residents' Association.  He will persist in making his daily inspection rounds of the local streets.

But isn't it rare, these days, to find such old-fashioned clarity of belief and deed?  Such unswerving conviction about what the world should be, and a lifelong dedication to making it just so?

In the end, you will see, there is something about Ove that is quite irresistible..."

I enjoyed the book but just after it started it was a little depressing and I wasn't sure if I was going to read it but kept on and it then couldn't stop laughing at some of the things that he did.  It was good book and even though I didn't think I would enjoy it I did.  It was more enjoyable at the book club talking about it as when you all talked it made the things he did funnier and funnier.

Would recommend it if anyone is looking for a book for their book club.

Then ended up swapping cars with one of my work mates as I travel a lot more and so she swapped with me (her idea).  I miss my little car but then this one will be more comfortable to drive for longer times.

One of my work mates has lost 15 kilos and I am so jealous.  She looks like she has lost weight but she looks miserable about it.  She is doing Herbalife which is all good but what a boring way to lose weight and also to work out how to keep it off without paying for drinks all your life to do the job of losing weight when you can eat normal food to do this.

When I lost all my weight I was doing Weight Watchers and I had a trainer at the gym and she motivated me so much.  She has been out for 4 years now as she had kids etc and gave up personal training while she had her family.  I went down hill from when she left and I shouldn't have but she was the only personal trainer that kept me motivated and gave me challenges.  

When I was with her I did:
  • Boot Camp
  • Climbing a big mountain
  • Tough guy gal challenge in the mud and rain and hills and water obstacles
  • 2 triathlons and I was still a big girl while doing this.
  • Black Water rafting
She gave me the push to do things and didn't take any excuses as she knew I could do it but I had to get out and do it instead of thinking no no no I can't.

So with her messaging me on facebook today to say she was back I was sooooo excited.  Now the boys are old too they might want to do it with us.  I know my youngest (16 yr old) will but the (18 yr old well he probably won't).  I really need to get my fitness up and to sort things out.

So the program is all the things mentioned in the list:
2 classes p/week - 30 mins OR I send you a video of what to do at home,
Plans for food,
Plans for exercise (apart from the classes you come to/videos you do),
X1 pt session p/month - 30 mins,
X1 event taylored to your goals p/month.
The cost is $15 per week p/person for all of that.

I mean how cheap is that.  

I need to do this and finding the money is what needs to happen.