Tuesday 28 June 2016

Hard work

Hard to work out what to do about my weight.

I want to lose weight but my head for some reason doesn't want to.

Is it because I then can't eat what I want or is it because I am lazy or is it because the first time around it was hard and took a while so it might be this again

First time around blogging helped me so much and then it got ruined and I didn't have the outlet anymore.

I need the support and I also need to support in return so I am back.

Today was a good day food wise and I tried hard not to drink or eat anything bad.  I felt good about the food.

I didn't get enough exercise today though.  I was focusing on getting the food down today.

Food is my problem.  I think it is the portion size not that I eat chocolate or chips or cheese etc it is the meat portion side and the carb portions that kill me.

I am going to try and blog here every day and get it out so I can get on with my life.

Work was ok today.  I felt angry all day about one of the ladies I work with and so I kept to myself.  I am sick of her moaning about everyone to me and it was just doing my head in.  She is a manager and she should not be doing that.  Tired of her doing that.  I wanted to keep out of her way and do my job.  Thank god she is not my manager.


  1. Preach girlfriend! I'm a volume eater myself and it is indeed difficult.

    I lost about 40 lbs before only to gain it all back. I'm back at it and trying every single day with varying degrees of success.

    Keep trying!

  2. Blogging has really helped me in my journey, too. I feel obligated to update my reader friends and can go back and read what's worked and what hasn't. Keep it up!
